„Girls GO Technology,” Academy and the beginning of another year 

Nearly 100 female secondary school students met, at the invitation of Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland, to find out if technology is their future. Girls from the Wincenty Witos School Complex in Bolków, the District Centre for Vocational and Continuing Education in Jawor, the 5th Jan Hevelius High School in Legnica and the European High School in Legnica started the 5th edition of the ‘Girls GO Technology’ project with workshops to embolden the girls as conscientious employees within the current market. During the ‘Girls GO Technology’ Academy they had the opportunity to ask female graduates about their experiences in the program.
They were introduced to the factory by Dr. Ewa Łabno-Falęcka, Marlena Biadała-Domino, Nikola Batek, and Tomasz Lerka. The workshop was conducted by Beata Wolska from Randstad.

About the project

“Girls GO Technology, or girls tame technology” is a series of meetings and workshops aimed at increasing digital competences by introducing young female high school students from the Jawor region into the world of Industry 4.0. It was established in 2018 under the initiative of Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland. The aim of the project is to encourage as many women as possible to work in modern industry and to convince them that technology is a great opportunity for women in a rapidly changing labour market.
The project was recognised with three awards: in June 2022 „Girls GO Technology” was the laureate and winner of the main prize in the “Ambassador of Education” category in the “Pracodawca Jutra 2021,” Polish Agency for Enterprise Development competition and also received an award in the automotive and electromobility sector. In January 2021, it was recognized with the Brązowy Spinacz in the “Złote Spinacze” ceremony organized by the Association of Public Relations Companies, and in September 2021, the project took first prize in the Wings PR competition, in the corporate PR category.

Permanent partners of the project are: Siemens Polska, WSSE “INVEST-PARK”, Educational Cluster Invest in EDU and Randstad Polska.