Andreas Schenkel, the CEO of Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland, has been nominated for the award of „Personality of the year 2017” 

„Personality of the Year” is a contest organized by the „Gazeta Wrocławska” newspaper. Persons are selected that have achieved success and served their local community in a significant way in one of four categories: “Culture”, “Social and Charitable activities”, “Municipal and Local Community”, and “Business”.

Andreas Schenkel, the CEO of MBM Poland was nominated by the editorial staff of the “Gazeta Wrocławska” newspaper in the category of “Business” for the County of Jawor. The newspaper staff recognized him for “encouraging development in Jawor and the region, for the construction of the new factory, and for fitting into the local community”.

– The nomination was a nice surprise and a great honor. We welcomed Jawor into the Mercedes family a year and a half ago. I’m happy that the Daimler AG investment and my work have already led to development in the region and in the local community – said Andreas Schenkel.

Now everything is in the hands of the readers. They will chose the Jawor County contest winners by voting via SMS. The voting period will last until 8 p.m. on January 31 of this year. The winners will then advance to the next stage on the Provincial level.

You may vote for Andreas Schenkel by sending an SMS with the message “GB.25” to the number 72355. We heartily encourage you to take part in the contest!

Current voting results