Interesting and safe, the third workshop for the young. 

Interesting and safe,  the third workshop for the young.

At the Regional Museum in Jawor another workshop was held in the Bertha Benz room, devoted to road safety. This time first grade students from Primary School 4 at ul. Starojaworska were waiting for a large “crew” from the regional Police Headquarters in Jawor, which was represented by three policemen and one policewoman. Law enforcement officers taught the young participants such issues as crossing the road correctly, what number to call in case of specific threats or how to recognize a real police person. The children also watched an animated film about a safe school. Traffic lights and road signs supplied for the classes were funded by Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland in order to practice road behaviour in more realistic conditions. Later, the students listened to the company’s history and got acquainted with the safety systems installed in Mercedes cars. At the end, the children received gifts in the form of high visibility reflectors and teaching materials.
The next road safety workshops are planned for April.

Pictures: Regional Museum in Jawor