“Will artificial intelligence take over the world?” 

The second workshops of this year’s edition of the project “Girls GO Technology, or girls tame technology” were themed around artificial inteligence and social media.

The participants learned waht artificial intelligence is and where it is used on everyday basis. An important part was to understand the importance of social media, their role in our lives, the principles of functioning and the possibilities of practical use as, for example, tools to promote your own business. Month ago, girls worked on good business plans, and this time, they learned how to improve communication with a potential client. Therefore, during practical part, participants created chatbots for the Facebook Messenger application.

The biggest challange was to work on a well-designed UX (User Experience), in this case creating dialogues, so that interaction with chatbot would provide users with positive experiences.

The workshops were held at the Regional Museum in Jawor, and were led by Małgorzata Ratajska-Grandin from Geek Girls Carrots.

The project is supported by: Randstad Polska, Geek Girls Carrots, Siemens Polska, Wałbrzyska Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna „INVEST-PARK” and Klaster Edukacyjny Invest in Edu, Stabilis, Politechnika Wrocławska Wydział Techniczno- Przyrodniczy in Legnica and Seifert Logistics Group.