Do IT at Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland 

Talks about a professional future, lectures on innovations in industry and trends in the IT sector, exchange of contacts, presentation of the KUKA device – this was the Open Day Digital & IT at Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland. Nearly 400 people interested in development in new technologies took part in the event.

The factory in Jawor will be one of the most modern production plants of the Daimler concern. Solutions incorporating fourth industrial revolution, including super-intelligent machines, will allow, among others for digital production management. This is a great opportunity for development for both experienced specialists and those who are just entering the labour market or thinking about changing their profession towards IT.

During the Open Day organized on 7 September, experts spoke about the future of new technologies, industry 4.0, the brand and strategy of Mercedes-Benz and the factory in Jawor and job opportunities in the Digital & IT Production MBMPL department. In line with the company’s expectations, the event attracted a wide range of people interested in a career in the Jawor factory. In the formula of “speed recruiting” they had the chance to convince representatives of MBMPL.

– We are glad that the Digital & IT Open Day idea met with so much interest. Behind us are a few hours of very interesting meetings and conversations. I am impressed by the knowledge and openness of the people who visited us. I hope that I willmeet with many of them again during the recruitment processes for specific positions, said Harry Slobodic, head of the Digital & IT department.

The KUKA device, a simulator of cooperation between robotics and the CNC machine as well as the EasyConnect software, were also popular, facilitating communication between both devices. The lecture from the special guest – Paweł Pilarczyk, journalist and founder of also attracted the attention of candidates to work at MBMPL. He spoke about digitization, artificial intelligence and robotics and their impact on the future of automotive production and the industry as a whole.