Children’s Day with MBMPL 

On  the 5th and 6th of June 2019, children from Primary Schools from Jawor and the surrounding areas, together with Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland, celebrated Children’s Day.

450 primary school children from Jawor, Męcinka, Bolkow, Piotrowice, Targoszyn and Snowidza watched 3 scenes from the spectacle “Frania Recycling, Four elements and Ecodancing” performed by the Katarynka Theatre in a sunny and fairy-tale like atmosphere.

During the event, the children not only had the opportunity to learn how to care for our planet, but also actively participated in the performance by singing and dancing together with Frania Recykling, Princess Kroplewna, Babushka Mądruszka and President Smołas. They were 2 good humoured days filled with smiles and lots of energy.

The organizer, Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland, traditionally took care of the safety of the youngest road users. Everyone received reflective gadgets