Girls GO Technology, or how the girls from Jawor tamed technology 

‘Women can also work in the technology sector’, ‘women are not worse than men’, ‘they can hold equally high and responsible positions’, ‘I would recommend taking part in the workshops because they motivated us to think about what we will do in the future’- these are just a few of the statements from the participants of “Girls GO Technology, or girls tame technologies”, a program created by Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland for young girls from Jawor. After the workshop, the vast majority of the girls recognized that their level of technology related knowledge was very high – it was not declared by any of the participants before the workshops began. The second edition of the program was launched on January 23.

The next edition of the “Girls GO Technology” program began on January 23 with an open meeting for all students from the District Centre for Vocational and Continuing Education in Jawor and Zespół Szkół i Placówek im. Wincentego Witosa in Bolków. During the workshop conducted by HR experts from Randstad Polska, the girls identified their strengths, discovered their talents and got to know their professional predispositions. In the next stage, a group of girls will take part in a series of workshops during which – as in the previous edition – issues related to project management, artificial intelligence and the creation of bots, the basics of programming, virtual and augmented reality and their application in Industry 4.0 and efficient movement in the labor market. New to this edition is “Girls GO Academy”, ie open meetings for all students from Jawor and the surrounding areas with specialists from the technology industry and companies cooperating with MBMPL. The partners of this year’s edition of “Girls GO Technology” are: Geek Girls Carrots, Siemens Polska, WSSE “INVEST-PARK”, Kluster Edukacyjny Invest in EDU, Stabilis, Randstad Polska, Politechnika Wroclawska – Wydzial Techniczno-Przyrodniczy w Legnicy i Seifert Polska.