MBMPL activates women’s energy in the region 

Nearly 300 women took part in the Open Day for Women, which was organized by Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland. The event program was designed so that the participants could look at their competences and skills from a broader perspective, find out that the automotive industry is a very feminine industry and talk about job opportunities in the newly built Mercedes-Benz engine plant in Jawor. During the event, Girls GO Technology Academy debuted – a series of open meetings for high school students and technicians from the region.

The art of self-presentation was introduced by popular journalist Maciej Orłoś. During the enthusiastically received presentation, the participants learned how to deal with stress during important speeches, how to control body language, facial expressions and shaky voices, to be convincing in the eyes of the interlocutor. This is important because during recruitment meetings, jitters can overcome even the most competent and suitable person for the position.

Program also included presentation on the history of Mercedes-Benz brand by Ewa Łabno-Falęcka, Head of Communication and External Affairs. Other MBMPL representatives presented terms and possibilites of employment in the newly-built engine plant in Jawor, including production departments.

The initiative was supported by: Dolnośląski Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy, Powiatowe Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego in Jawor, Leadec Polska and Seifert Logistics Group.