The first Girls GO Technology 2020 workshop is behind us! 

Is creating mobile applications difficult? How much time is needed to create my first mobile app? Will I ever write my own game?

These are just a few questions answered by participants of the third edition of Girls GO Technology during the first workshop. Under the supervision of experts from Girls Code Fun, students from PCKZiU in Jawor and European High School in Zgorzelec got to know the tools for designing mobile applications and how they work “from the kitchen”. Girls used AppInventor and they created their first mobile applications and faced the challenge of designing games. During the classes they also had the opportunity to test their projects on phones.

A short photo report proves that after 4 hours “everything worked” ?.

The first meeting took place in the Regional Museum in Jawor.


“Girls Go Technology” is a program of Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland addressed to girls from high schools and technicians schols of Jawor Regon and its surroundings. It was created in 2018 to instil in young women the belief that technology is friendly and can be a great idea for their professional life.


The partners of “Girls GO Technology 2020” are: Siemens Polska, WSSE “INVEST-PARK”, Educational Cluster Invest in EDU, Stabilis, Girls Code Fun, Randstad Polska.