The third edition of “Girls Go Technology, or Girls Tame the Technology” has started! 

On February the 4th in the Regional Museum in Jawor, Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland inaugurated the third edition of the project “Girls Go Technology”. The first meeting attracted 80 young women!

“Girls Go Technology” is a programme of Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland addressed to girls from high schools of Jawor district and its neighbourhood. It was created in 2018 to instil in young women the belief that technology is friendly and can be a great idea for their professional life.

Girls Go Technology is a two-stage project. The first stage allows to determine the predispositions and talents of the participants. On 4th of February 2020 during an organisational meeting girls from the Wincenty Witos School Complex in Bolków, the European High School in Zgorzelec and the District Centre for Vocational and Continuing Education in Jawor got acquainted with the idea and program of the project and the history of the Mercedes-Benz brand. They also had an opportunity to talk about the professions of the future and their talents with HR specialists: Marta Kunecka (Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland) and Beata Wolska (Randstad). Girls interested in “taming” technology will be invited to the second stage of the project. It will comprise of 5 meetings – workshops on future technologies and mobility in the labour market.

The meetings will be held once a month between February and June 2020. This year, the participants will learn the basics of programming, Internet safety rules, planning tools and generating ideas. They will learn how to write a business plan and how to implement it, as well as learn about self-presentation methods. The workshop will also allow them to move to virtual reality and experience what VR is.

Previous editions of “Girls Go Technology” have shown that after completing the programme, an average of 1/3 of the workshop’s participants declare their willingness to continue learning after high school (although they did not have such plans before the start of the programme), and many of them are considering taking up a better paid job in the tech industry.

Girls GO Technology 2020 partners are: Siemens Polska, WSSE „INVEST-PARK”, Klaster Edukacyjny Invest in EDU, Stabilis, Randstad Polska.