Sixth edition of "Girls GO Technology: girls tame technology" is behind us

On June 12, 2024, we finished the sixth edition of our proprietary workshops aimed at high school girls from the Jawor region.This year, 40 girls participated from the following schools: European High School in Legnica, Wincenty Witos School Complex in Bolków, and the District Center for Vocational and Continuing Education in Jawor.We are very proud that, from all editions combined, we now have 138 graduates.In the sixth edition, participants learned the basics of entrepreneurship, the secrets of self-presentation, and stress management. They also "tamed" virtual reality, production digitization, and artificial intelligence. The final workshops of the series took place in a factory, where the girls had the opportunity to create their first professional CVs, prepare for future job interviews, and familiarize themselves with data analysis and visualization. Additionally, they visited the Q-Pavilion, where they could experience, thanks to virtual reality, what quality means to the Mercedes-Benz company and saw what production on an engine line looks like. At the end, our CEO Joerg Schmalenbach awarded certificates to those who participated in the sixth edition of the project.The meetings were held in Jawor and Wałbrzych. One of them was a two-day workshop trip to Krakow. We hope that during the workshops we instilled in the young participants the belief that technology is not only friendly to men and that it can be a great idea for their professional lives.The partners of the sixth edition of Girls GO Technology are: Randstad Poland, Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone Educational Cluster "Invest in Edu," and AIDAR Solutions. In this edition, the company Sii Poland also joined the event partners.