What does the IT Department at the Mercedes factory in Jawor do? 

The factory is not only about production lines. Industry 4.0 requires an efficient IT department. At Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland there are several teams:

  • • The IT Production team has specialized skills that allow you to configure and maintain production control systems, collect data and visualize it. Its work has a direct impact on the continuity and improvement of the production processes of engines and batteries. It deals with the collection of data from production lines and real-time digital visualization of the production process. One of the Team’s solutions helps the Maintenance Department to register failures on machines. Such recognition enables maintenance specialists to diagnose the problem and correct it. The work of the IT Production Team also supports the Engineering Department in the analysis and preparation of new parts in the production process.
  • The application team supports various systems and business partners, including working time recording systems, access control systems, and quality systems for collecting quality data from production lines, and logistics systems, where the use of modern technologies allows minimizing human mistakes in both internal logistics and shipping.
  • The IT Plant Control Centre team is responsible for ensuring the continuity of production in terms of IT systems. It deals with continuous monitoring of production lines and reacting to incidents that may cause downtime or delays. For this purpose, employees use many tools provided by the company and created by them.
  • The Cyber Security Product team is a unique combination of competencies and experience in the area of IT information security and production security. The goal is to provide the most secure and compliant central policy solutions that will enable maintaining business continuity. They participate in projects, advise on the safe processing of information, and implement security patches in the area of production.
  • The IT Data Centre team is responsible for the IT data centre in the factory. They take care of the heart of the IT Department – servers and data warehouses where all the plant’s production data is stored. In addition, they give out new devices to employees and collect broken ones.

Current job advertisements are available on the website: https://mercedes-benz-jawor.com.pl/en/career/