We support The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity 

Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland joined the 27th Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity in Jawor.

The company donated gadgets with a tree-pointed star, and the MBMPL Team took part in a charitable run “Get Even with Diabetes!” in order to raise money to buy personal insulin pumps for pregnant women with diabetes.

However, that is not all. On Sunday, A-Class appeard on the Main Market in Jawor and people were welcomed to wrap it with the read heart stickers of the Great Orchestra. For each heart on the car, Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland committed to donate 1 PLN for the Foundation.

What was the result? Mercedes-Benz A-Class was covered with 9924 red hearts!

As promised, Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland donated 1 PLN for each heart to the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, making it round to 10 000 PLN ?

Thank you for all the support!