Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland supports the “Inżynierki 4.0” project 

Are modern Industry 4.0 factories the right place for women? Why in the Mercedes factory in Jawor do women make nearly 40% of the staff, when on average in other factories of this company their share does not exceed 15%?

These are the topics that, among others, 30 students of technical universities from all over Poland talked about this with Dr. Ewa Łabno-Falęcka from Mercedes-Benz Polska during the workshop as part of the Siemens Industry Polska program “Inżynierki 4.0.”

Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland is a partner of the project supporting women in the STEM area and on the labor market.

This year, the third edition of the Inżynierki 4.0 project addressed to students of technical universities takes place. The main assumption is to increase the digital competences of young women in the area of ​​Industry 4.0 and to make students aware of the multitude of career paths available to them. Participants receive a solid dose of practical and substantive knowledge, as well as the opportunity to build business relationships. The program is addressed to students of Polish technical universities who plan to bind their future with the profession of an engineer.