The “Girls Go Technology” project is the winner of the 6th edition of the PARP “Employer of Tomorrow” competition

Our project “Girls Go Technology” was the winner of the 6th edition of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development “Employer of Tomorrow” competition.

This is a perfect story for our #WomenDriveAutomotive series.
Through such initiatives, we want to show that the automotive industry is no longer dedicated only to men.

For 5 years, we have been organizing the “Girls Go Technology” workshops, to which we invite students from local secondary schools. The aim of these workshops is to show young women that they can connect their future with the automotive industry.

Ladies working in our factory talk about what fascinates them in the industrial world, what they like about their work and about the fact that it is a perfect place for self-realization.

We cordially invite you to watch the movie here.